Parish Life at St. Thomas the Apostle Church

Thank you for visiting St. Thomas the Apostle Parish! You are welcome here!!

At St. Thomas, we exist to be the household of the heart of God for the North side of Elkhart by following the Way together, by being formed in the Truth together, & by being fed by the Life together.

 Please do not hesitate to reach out to anyone on staff if you have any questions about becoming a member of our parish or about getting more involved. On this page you'll find some of the main pieces of information that someone new at the parish might be looking for! But let us know if we can help in any way (574) 262-1505 or


Saturday Vigil Mass  4:30pm

Sunday Masses 8:00am, 10:30am, & 6:00pm

Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 8:15am

Tuesday  & Thursday  5:30pm


Monday - Friday: One half hour before Mass

Saturday: 9:00 to 10:00am





St. Thomas has a Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. You can find the chapel off the Gathering Space to the right as you are looking into the church. The chapel is open for Eucharistic Adoration Monday through Thursday from 2:00pm to 9:00pm Friday from 2:00pm to 7:00pm.

Any individual is welcome to visit the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel! We are also looking for individuals to commit to praying in the chapel an hour a week so that the chapel an remain open during these hours. If you would be interested in making this commitment, just contact the church office at (574)262-1505 or


Are you looking for ways to get involved at St. Thomas? Be sure to check out our calendar of events & our ministry pages! You are welcome at our events and to participate in our ministries. If you have any questions about an event or ministry, just contact Ann in the church office to ask any question (574)262-1505 or

Parish Picnic


That Man is You!


Walking With Purpose - Women's Small Group Bible Studies.


Kingdom Builders