VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR ALTAR CARE Keeping the votive and altar candles filled, plants watered, and altar and vestibule areas dusted do not "just happen."  It takes a group of dedicated men and women who volunteer to assist with this ministry, taking their turn a few times a year.  Teams work, usually on Friday morning, to be sure things are ready for the weekend masses.  This is NOT a cleaning/sanitizing ministry, but instead, one that keeps things dusted and in good order in the sacristy, vestibule and the main altar area.      If you would be able to share about an hour of your time around 5 times throughout the year, please contact Lee and Cindy Evers (574-674-5345) or email them at lcevers@gmail.com.  "Serve the Lord with gladness!!"  Thanks.
about 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
CHRISTMAS MASS RESERVATIONS Reserve your seats starting Wednesday, December 9th at 12:00 noon at https://reserve-stthomas.herokuapp.com/. Please reserve early so we can plan overflow seating options where needed. If you have a change of plans and do not need your tickets or need to change tickets, please contact the church office 262-1505 or office@stthomaselkhart.com. Also, please see the link below to sign up to help be an usher, a cleaner or a lector. Thank you for helping with these important ministries!
about 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Sign Ups for Volunteers at Christmas Masses (lectors, ushers, cleaners): https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0B4CAAAE28A2FD0-christmas
about 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Reconciliation this week: Monday, December 7th, 4:00-5:00pm Tuesday, December 8th, after 12:05 Mass Saturday, December 12, 9:00-10:00am Enter through rectory door and wait for direction.
about 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Reconciliation tomorrow, Thursday, December 3rd, from 4:00pm to 5:00pm inside the church. Please enter at the rectory door where someone will be waiting to instruct you on new indoor procedures.
about 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Tomorrow, Saturday, October 24th...No Saturday Morning Mass and No Confessions.
about 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
2020 Rosary Rally Please join us in praying for our nation on October 10, 2020 at 12:00 noon. The local 2020 Public Square Rosary Rally will take place at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Main & Bristol Streets, Elkhart, in the parking lot across from the church. Parking is available in the parking lot between the church & school or across Main St. in the Northside Middle School parking lot. Our nation is in great need of public prayer, repentance and conversion. We ask God to save America through the Rosary of His Most Holy Mother. You are welcome to bring a lawn chair if you wish to sit. Please bring a mask. Please contact Carol Pawlak at 574-264-2235 for more information.
about 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
This year’s Bishop’s Appeal video reminds us of our role as Catholic Christians in sharing the light of God’s love to the world. Be sure to watch the video: https://diocesefwsb.wixsite.com/aba2020
about 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
SHRED IT!! Gather your important documents that are ready to be disposed of and bring them to St. Thomas for shredding, Saturday, October 3rd, from 9am to Noon. Suggested donation: $10 for the first 5 bags/boxes. Do you have more than 5 bags/boxes? Be as generous as you can.
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
NO MASS Thursday, September 10th, 2020
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Registration for Religious Education is now open! Please click this link for the Registration Form. https://forms.gle/43iDcm4hgkpdwevg8 Are you interested in serving as a Catechist? We are in need of additional volunteers to serve God's children.
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Starting this coming Monday, Monday morning Mass will be at 8:15am at school. There will be no 7:00am Mass until construction on the Gathering Space is completed. And just a reminder, we have switched live stream daily Mass days to Thursday 7:00am (with adoration after) and Friday at 8:15am. We will be live streaming those two days directly to Facebook (the live stream will NOT be available on YouTube). Sunday morning Mass will continue to be live streamed to YouTube with a link being provided on Facebook.
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
There will be NO live stream of Mass on Thursday, August 13th.
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Next Generation Parish Program update: the results from the survey we took last fall are in, and a committee of parishioners have been examining them to discern a vision and purpose for the parish. You can find a summary of the survey results at: https://www.stthomaselkhart.com/o/st-thomas-apostle-church/browse/154887
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Just a reminder, NO CONFESSIONS TOMORROW, Saturday, July 11th, 2020.
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Bulletins can now be found under "Our Parish" which is under the "Explore Tab" on the main page of the website above.
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
We are looking forward to seeing some of you at Masses this coming weekend. If you haven’t had a chance to reserve your tickets/seats yet, please visit our online ticketing website at https://reserve-stthomas.herokuapp.com/. We have also created an informational video to help explain the changes in our normal Mass protocols. We encourage you to watch it before you come to your first public Mass.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiIsL1YxBy8&t=95s
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Many apologies.  We ran into some issues with survey monkey and cannot access our results.Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to complete the survey.  We hope you will be willing to answer those same 3 questions again on this new platform: https://s.surveyplanet.com/I4p0lZRzi Thank you so so much!!
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
PUBLIC MASSES Public Masses will begin the weekend of May 23rd and 24th. So, our first public Mass will be at 4:30pm on Saturday, May 23rd. For right now, once public Masses begin, our Sunday Mass schedule will remain the same: 4:30pm (vigil), 8:00am, 10:30am, and 6:00pm. Father Jason is still trying to assess the resources and precautions we need to have safe celebrations of Mass. After we determine the things we need and the amount of help we need cleaning after each service, he will make a decision about the weekday Mass schedule. DISPENSATION All Catholics in the diocese are dispensed from Sunday Mass obligation until August 15th. SURVEY Due to social distancing guidelines, the diocese has issued limitations that affect the number of people who will be able to attend Mass at any one time. There are several options to consider, but we need your input as we work to determine our best way forward. Please complete this short, 3 question survey by Tuesday, May 12th. Please make sure that only one family member fills out the survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZBCX82G REQUEST FOR USHERS During this time of social distancing, we especially need the help of ushers to assist with safely spaced seating. Please contact the church office if you are willing to serve in this capacity, even if just temporarily during this time of pandemic. 262-1505 or office@stthomaselkhart.com AFTER MASS CHURCH SANITIZING The church must be thoroughly sanitized after each Mass. This will require committed individuals to stay after Mass to clean. This group is especially important if we hope to offer consistent, public, weekend Masses. Please contact the church office if you are willing to service in this capacity. This is a temporary commitment as we move through these next few weeks/months. 262-1505 or office@stthomaselkhart.com MASKS The diocese is requiring that all congregants (except for little children) MUST wear masks or other face coverings to Mass out of concern for fellow parishioners. Parishioners need to provide their own masks. ADORATION CHANGE THIS WEEK This Thursday, Father will say Mass at our normal time, but we will NOT have adoration afterward because Father has to leave for a diocesan committee meeting he is expected to attend in Fort Wayne. Instead, we will have adoration following the 8:15am live streaming Mass this Friday. DRIVE UP CONFESSIONS Father Jason will hear drive up confessions next Saturday, May 16th from 9:15am to 10:15am. Please pull into the big lot across the street from church and watch for direction to pull forward when Father is ready for you. STS SUPPORTS Please support King Wha restaurant this Friday, May 8th anytime between 11am and 9pm. Please call them for carry out 266-0285. You can access their menu at https://www.facebook.com/KingWhaChineseRestaurant/ . Then STS supports Milano's pizza again on Tuesday, May 12th anytime between 5pm to 9pm. Call for carry out 293-2682. They are offering us a large pizza and garden salad for $20.00, so just mention you would like the St. Thomas Special!! Thank you for completing the survey and thank you for your patience as we prepare for public Masses again. We love you and we miss you all very much!!
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Rosary with Father Jason https://youtu.be/bt-cvgQJQQs
over 4 years ago, St. Thomas Church