almost 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Father Jason Live Discussion on Facebook - Wednesday, April 29th at 12:00pm Father Jason leads the Rosary online - Friday, May 1st at 1:00pm Drive Up Confessions - Saturday, May 2nd, 9:15am to 10:15am
almost 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
NOVENA - Beginning on April 28th, the feast day of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, the USCCB will share a novena seeking her intercession for pregnant women and all who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. St. Gianna was a 20th century physician, wife and mother. You can sign up to receive this novena at
almost 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
WHAT TO LOOK FOR THIS WEEK! Facebook Live with Father Jason, Wednesday, April 29th, Time TBD Live Stream All School Mass with Bishop Rhoades: Friday, May 1st at 10:00am on Facebook and YouTube Rosary with Father Jason - Friday, May 1st, Time TBD Drive Up Confessions - Saturday, May 2nd, 9:15am- 10:15am More details to come!
almost 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
FATHER JASON ON REDEEMER TOMORROW MORNING Listen to Father Jason tomorrow morning on Redeemer Radio. They’ll ask him about the adjustments he and St. Thomas have made during the pandemic. His spot starts at 7:10am, so turn your radio on early, 95.7 FM.
almost 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
CONFESSIONS Father Jason will be available for drive up confessions this Saturday, April 18th, from 9:30am to 10:30am.  He'll be in his garage, and the procedure will be the same as the past drive up confessions.  Pull into the large St. Thomas lot to the West of Church (across Romain St.).  Form a line at the exit and wait for someone to signal you forward.
almost 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Copies of all Worship Aids can be found in the Documents folder under the "Explore" tab above.
almost 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Holy Week Schedule, All services streaming: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Mass at 8:15am Holy Thursday Mass: 7:00pm Good Friday Service: 2:30pm Good Friday Stations of the Cross: 7:00pm Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass: 9:00pm Easter Sunday Mass: 9:00am The church itself will close on Thursday, April 9th at 3:00pm and be closed through Easter Sunday, reopening Easter Sunday at 10:30am.
almost 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Our school lunchroom is providing lunch for students for today and the weekend. Pickup of the three meals is today between 11:30am and 12:30pm at the school’s main entrance. Father Jason will be available for drive up confessions tomorrow from 11am to 2pm. Please pull into the West parking lot (the big lot across from church) and form a line at the parking lot exit closest to school. Father will be in his garage and he or someone else will signal you to pull across Romain and up to his garage when he is ready. Join the Pope today at 1:00pm EST for a special blessing: The Holy Father will grant to all who participate in the livestream a Plenary Indulgence before imparting the Urbi et Orbi Blessing. St. Thomas Supports! All parishioners are encouraged to get carry out from Milano’s Pizza tonight, 4pm to 10pm. Special: Large cheese pizza and side salad for $25.
about 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
St. Turibius....Father Jason mentioned in his homily today that he'd provide us with more information about St. Turibius. That information is posted on the church website under documents in the "For More Information..." folder. Enjoy!!
about 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
An Act of Spiritual Communion to be said when one cannot attend Mass My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least into my heart. I embrace You as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
about 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Until Further Notice The following are all suspended/cancelled: Daily and Weekend Mass Penance Services Confessions Stations of the Cross Adoration RCIA Classes
about 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
No SVDP/Goodwill Stuff a Truck this weekend.
about 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
This Lent, find a quiet place each day to be with God. Use that time to quiet the restlessness in your soul. Reflect on what in your life is holding you back from being able to rest, so that you can work toward being able to fully rest in God. Check out these resources to help in your journey:
about 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Ash Wednesday
NATIONAL MARRIAGE WEEK: For our married couples this week, if you haven't already, be sure to participate in a virtual retreat provided to us by the USCCB. It only takes a few minutes each day, with you and your spouse in prayer.
about 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
First Thursday Confessions, scheduled for February 6th, have been cancelled because of a funeral. Confessions will be available Saturday from 9am to 10am, or call the rectory for an appointment.
about 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Wednesday, January 22, the Anniversary of Roe v Wade.... Please come and pray in the church anytime from 9am to 9pm for the legal protection of unborn children and for respect for life until natural death.
about 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
I can’t think of anything more exciting than Heaven coming down to earth. It happened 2,000 years ago, and it happens at every Mass. Father Jason, Homily, 12/25/2019.
about 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE: December 24th: 4:00pm, 6:30pm, 11:00pm December 25th: 8:00am, 10:00am HOLY DAY - SOLEMNITY OF MARY, JANUARY 1ST December 31st: 5:30pm January 1st: 9:00am
over 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church
Parish Penance Service - Tomorrow, Saturday, December 14th at 11am.
over 5 years ago, St. Thomas Church