Be sure to join the brewers in the school parking lot tomorrow, Saturday, December 7th at 9am. They will be brewing a batch of beer that will be served at our upcoming Trivia Night on January 17th. Come and brew, come and watch, come and socialize. Don't miss the fun and fellowship of this activity!

GIVING TREE - There are still a lot of tags on the Giving Trees. Please consider helping out a local needy family this Christmas. There are many options on the tree - actual gifts to purchase, or to make it easy, gift cards you can pick up at the Scrip table after Mass and leave with Father or at the rectory. The deadline to turn in gifts is Sunday, December 15th. Gifts can be left by Mary's statue.

WALKING TO THE MANGER Walking Program, sponsored by our parish nurse. Walking to the Manger is a collection of devotionals inviting you to make walking, reflecting and prayer a part of your daily Advent practice. Just as Mary and Joseph traveled the long journey to Bethlehem, the Christian season of Advent is a journey in which the traveling is as full of lessons as the destination. As such, the season is a journey of faith. As you walk toward the Christ-child through the words of the prophets and apostles, we pray that you may become healthier in body and spirit. May you be blessed while walking to the manger.
To participate, just email Laurie at lhundschieber@gmail.com.

YOUNG ADULTS - Ages 18 to 39
You are invited to a Young Adult Evening tomorrow, Friday, November 22 at 6:00pm in Elliott Hall. Come enjoy evening of beer, pizza and fellowship. We can get to know one another and discuss what kind of support you're looking for from the parish, as well as the formation of a young adult community. All those between the ages of 18-39 are welcome to attend. Those who are 21 and over can enjoy some of the first beers brewed by Arnie’s Crew.

REMINDER - Tomorrow, Saturday Vigil Mass changes to 4:30p.m. This Mass time change is a permanent change that applies to the Mass schedule all year long.

CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES & SPONSORS - Confirmation Blessing and preparation session this Sunday. Please attend 10:30a.m. Mass and after Mass, proceed to Elliott Hall for the Confirmation preparation session. Lunch will be served, and you will be dismissed at 1:00pm. If your sponsor is not able to attend, please bring a parent or guardian.

Friday is a Holy Day of Obligation for All Saints Day.
Thursday Vigil Mass is at 5:00pm
Friday Masses are at 7:00am, 8:15am, and 12:05pm.

FILL OUT OUR SURVEY!! cli-dmi.org/go/44050
St. Thomas parishioners, we are participating in an exciting new program called Next Generation Parishes. The first step in that process is for our parishioners to take 10-15 minutes to fill out a survey that focuses on St. Thomas and whether the parish helps you become a disciple of Christ. The results are completely confidential and will be sent directly to Catholic Leadership Institute. They will compile the results and share them with us this coming spring. So please, take a few minutes to fill out the survey. Follow the link or look for paper copies of the survey in the gathering space.Survey can be accessed at:

"We are celebrating another super September!! The school children and staff at St. Thomas School collected two car loads of bar soap, tooth brushes, tooth paste, and many food items for the feast of St. Vincent de Paul. Two of us took 1 hour to put the collection away. Then, from both St. Thomas and St. Vincent de Paul churches, we were blessed with three car loads of food items on our special 5th Sunday collection. It took 3 Vincentians 1 ½ hours to unpack, sort, and rearrange our shelving system to accommodate your donations.We are grateful as are as the neighbors we serve each week. Thank you very much."

NO MASS Wednesday or Thursday this week.
There will be no Mass here on Wednesday, October 9th and Thursday, October 10th because Father Jason is at continuing education with the diocese this week.

PICTORIAL DIRECTORIES HAVE ARRIVED!! If you had your photo taken for the pictorial directory, you received a free copy of the directory, and it will be waiting for you in the gathering space this weekend. If you did not get your photo taken for the directory but would like a copy, we have a few extras. Please visit the church office during office hours. In addition, Guidebook Directories will be mailed to all families before the end of the year.

Saturday Vigil Mass Time Changing
Starting Saturday, November 9th, the Saturday Vigil Mass Time will be changing to 4:30pm. Be sure to mark your calendars!!

FATHER JACOB MEYER INTRODUCES JOY MISSION!! Join us tomorrow at St. Thomas School at 2:00pm to listen to Father Jacob as he introduces our school's new JOY mission - J for Jesus, O for others, Y for yourself...in that order!! Father Jacob will talk about the importance of helping others, developing a servant's heart, and making a difference through good deeds. All are welcome for this inspirational presentation! A recording of his talk will be available on social media and school and church websites after the event.

CHECK OUT THE UPDATED FORMED!! Formed.org has made some awesome updates: offline playback, a MY LIST feature (save interesting items to access later), enhanced search features, faster and more reliable service, more content, and now you can share your favorite picks to your own social media accounts to encourage your friends to investigate. If you have not registered, just go to FORMED.ORG, enter your email and search and choose St. Thomas the Apostle, Elkhart. Simple as that. During September, watch Lectio Prayer, or learn about one of the month's Saints: Saint Padre Pio, Saint Mother Theresa, or the Saint Archangels. Or choose a selection of interest to you. Be sure to take advantage of this amazing resource, provided as a gift to our parishioners from the parish.

To sign up for an appointment to give blood during our blood drive & Service Fair on September 15th, just go to GIVEBLOODNOW.COM, select “DRIVE SEARCH”, organization code: StThomas

New St. Thomas the Apostle App!!
Are you looking for a quick way to access information from our church and school websites? Be sure to download the free St. Thomas the Apostle App to your phone or device. The app gives you quick access to news, contact information, Mass times and other important information. Just go to the app store and search "St. Thomas Church & School, IN."

Confirmation Candidates - Meeting for candidates and their parents this Thursday, August 29th at 7:00pm in Elliott Hall

Please join us for the Christ Renews His Parish retreats!! These overnight retreats are designed to help participants have an encounter with Jesus, develop a personal prayer life, and discover the genius of Catholicism. Sign up here to participate in one of our upcoming retreats! Space is limited. If this retreat fills or you are not available these dates, more opportunities will be available in the future.

Our photo directory and our parish guidebook directory will be going to print VERY soon. Please make sure we have all of your updated address, phone and email information. You can message the church office with any changes, call 262-1505 or email office@stthomaselkhart.com.

St. Thomas Class of 1979 & 1980 Reunion
St. Thomas the Apostle Elementary School
Class of 1979 & 1980 Reunion
Saturday October 19, 2019
Check out all the details at: